Commercial kitchens rely on grease traps to remove fats and oils from their location. Unfortunately, clogs and other issues are all too frequent with grease traps. Onsite Environmental is here to help you avoid them.
Full grease trap.
Prevent your grease trap from filling to the brim by having it inspected every three months. If grease reaches your trap's complete depth, you'll need to hire an expert to remove the fat and oil residue safely.
Incoming line clogs.
One of the most obvious signs of clogged incoming grease trap lines is backflow in your floor drains causing foul odors and flooding.
Outgoing line clogs.
Outgoing line clogs usually result in overflowing grease trap compartments. You may run into this problem if you do not pump your lines regularly.
Your grease trap is one of your commercial kitchen’s most valuable assets. Let Onsite Environmental help you to keep it properly maintained. Call us today at 615-637-9169, or you can also visit our website for more details.